AS9100D Certified
Jul. 11, 2018 Effective Date : Ju … Continued
Jul. 11, 2018 Effective Date : Ju … Continued
DPI to be listed on Emerging Stock Board … Continued
2016.9.3 After being awarded by Spirit A … Continued
In order to deepening corporate social responsibility, and gradually implement sustainable management.
We sincerely invite you to provide valuable advice to help us understanding the topics you care, we'll take it as an important reference for our business strategy.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us and we will be glad to work for you.
Contact : Spokesman Mike Lan
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Monthly Revenue for 2024 | ( in NT thousands ) |
Month | 2024 | 2023 | Year-to-Month
Revenue of 2024 |
Revenue of 2023 |
01 | 80,561 | 61,792 | 80,561 | 61,792 |
02 | 74,365 | 58,573 | 154,926 | 120,365 |
03 | 76,763 | 71,011 | 231,689 | 191,376 |
04 | 63,006 | 68,724 | 294,695 | 260,100 |
05 | 75,823 | 80,168 | 370,518 | 340,268 |
06 | 74,057 | 70,199 | 444,575 | 410,467 |
07 | 73,312 | 55,062 | 517,887 | 465,529 |
08 | 77,558 | 83,100 | 595,445 | 548,629 |
09 | 72,489 | 78,778 | 667,934 | 627,407 |
10 | 80,753 | 65,063 | 748,687 | 692,470 |
11 | 65,140 | 68,821 | 813,827 | 761,291 |
12 | 57,625 | 71,367 | 871,452 | 832,658 |
Monthly Revenue for 2023 | ( in NT thousands ) |
Month | 2023 | 2022 | Year-to-Month Revenue of 2023 | Year-to-Month Revenue of 2022 |
01 | 61,792 | 36,435 | 61,792 | 36,435 |
02 | 58,573 | 33,645 | 120,365 | 70,080 |
03 | 71,011 | 50,854 | 191,376 | 120,934 |
04 | 68,724 | 55,145 | 260,100 | 176,079 |
05 | 80,168 | 58,361 | 340,268 | 234,440 |
06 | 70,199 | 60,123 | 410,467 | 294,563 |
07 | 55,062 | 50,043 | 465,529 | 344,606 |
08 | 83,100 | 59,544 | 548,629 | 404,150 |
09 | 78,778 | 62,586 | 627,407 | 466,736 |
10 | 65,063 | 60,157 | 692,470 | 526,893 |
11 | 68,821 | 54,146 | 761,291 | 581,039 |
12 | 71,367 | 55,771 | 832,658 | 636,810 |
Monthly Revenue for 2022 | ( in NT thousands ) |
Month | 2022 | 2021 | Year-to-Month Revenue of 2022 | Year-to-Month Revenue of 2021 |
01 | 36,435 | 21,021 | 36,435 | 21,021 |
02 | 33,645 | 20,480 | 70,080 | 41,501 |
03 | 50,854 | 31,864 | 120,934 | 73,365 |
04 | 55,145 | 33,276 | 176,079 | 106,641 |
05 | 58,361 | 33,177 | 234,440 | 139,818 |
06 | 60,123 | 38,519 | 294,563 | 178,337 |
07 | 50,043 | 43,018 | 344,606 | 221,355 |
08 | 59,544 | 39,537 | 404,150 | 260,892 |
09 | 62,586 | 37,344 | 466,736 | 298,236 |
10 | 60,157 | 40,056 | 526,893 | 338,292 |
11 | 54,146 | 34,553 | 581,039 | 372,845 |
12 | 55,771 | 31,074 | 636,810 | 403,919 |
Monthly Revenue for 2021 | ( in NT thousands ) |
Month | 2021 | 2020 | Year-to-Month Revenue of 2021 | Year-to-Month Revenue of 2020 |
01 | 21,021 | 40,109 | 21,021 | 40,109 |
02 | 20,480 | 41,314 | 41,501 | 81,423 |
03 | 31,864 | 37,363 | 73,365 | 118,786 |
04 | 33,276 | 32,548 | 106,641 | 151,334 |
05 | 33,177 | 33,533 | 139,818 | 184,867 |
06 | 38,519 | 27,286 | 178,337 | 212,153 |
07 | 43,018 | 23,195 | 221,355 | 235,348 |
08 | 39,537 | 22,735 | 260,892 | 258,083 |
09 | 37,344 | 32,138 | 298,236 | 290,221 |
10 | 40,056 | 21,712 | 338,292 | 311,933 |
11 | 34,553 | 20,109 | 372,845 | 332,042 |
12 | 31,074 | 18,127 | 403,919 | 350,169 |
Monthly Revenue for 2020 | ( in NT thousands ) |
Month | 2020 | 2019 | Year-to-Month Revenue of 2020 | Year-to-Month Revenue of 2019 |
01 | 40,109 | 79,170 | 40,109 | 79,170 |
02 | 41,314 | 68,840 | 81,423 | 148,010 |
03 | 37,363 | 68,815 | 118,786 | 216,825 |
04 | 32,548 | 77,363 | 151,334 | 294,188 |
05 | 33,533 | 63,433 | 184,867 | 357,621 |
06 | 27,286 | 67,280 | 212,153 | 424,901 |
07 | 23,195 | 70,834 | 235,348 | 495,735 |
08 | 22,735 | 71,257 | 258,083 | 566,992 |
09 | 32,138 | 70,279 | 290,221 | 637,271 |
10 | 21,712 | 67,028 | 311,933 | 704,299 |
11 | 20,109 | 55,368 | 332,042 | 759,667 |
12 | 18,127 | 55,294 | 350,169 | 814,961 |
Monthly Revenue for 2019 | ( in NT thousands ) |
Month | 2019 | 2018 | Year-to-Month Revenue of 2019 | Year-to-Month Revenue of 2018 |
01 | 79,170 | 56,440 | 79,170 | 56,440 |
02 | 68,840 | 49,157 | 148,010 | 105,597 |
03 | 68,815 | 58,281 | 216,825 | 163,878 |
04 | 77,363 | 62,863 | 294,188 | 226,741 |
05 | 63,433 | 63,836 | 357,621 | 290,577 |
06 | 67,280 | 67,976 | 424,901 | 358,553 |
07 | 70,834 | 68,072 | 495,735 | 426,625 |
08 | 71,257 | 86,993 | 566,992 | 513,618 |
09 | 70,279 | 88,713 | 637,271 | 602,331 |
10 | 67,028 | 93,801 | 704,299 | 696,132 |
11 | 55,368 | 76,522 | 759,667 | 772,654 |
12 | 55,294 | 66,419 | 814,961 | 839,073 |
Monthly Revenue for 2018 | ( in NT thousands ) |
Month | 2018 | 2017 | Year-to-Month Revenue of 2018 | Year-to-Month Revenue of 2017 |
04 | 62,863 | 43,358 | 226,741 | 171,571 |
05 | 63,836 | 51,515 | 290,577 | 223,085 |
06 | 67,976 | 59,145 | 358,553 | 282,230 |
07 | 68,072 | 45,747 | 426,625 | 327,977 |
08 | 86,993 | 57,348 | 513,618 | 385,325 |
09 | 88,713 | 47,902 | 602,331 | 433,227 |
10 | 93,801 | 42,444 | 696,132 | 475,671 |
11 | 76,522 | 40,332 | 772,654 | 516,003 |
12 | 66,419 | 48,073 | 839,073 | 564,076 |
Monthly Revenue for 2017 | ( in NT thousands ) |
Month | 2017 | 2016 | Year-to-Month Revenue of 2017 | Year-to-Month Revenue of 2016 |
Drewloong Precision, Inc. and Subsidiaries |
(In Thousands of New Taiwan Dollars) |
Sep. 30, 2024 (Reviewed) | Dec. 31, 2023 (Audited) | Sep. 30, 2023 (Reviewed) | |||
Amount | % | Amount | % | Amount | % | |
Current assets | $1,960,641 | 68 | $1,620,350 | 68 | $1,579,337 | 69 |
Noncurrent assets | 939,760 | 32 | 745,346 | 32 | 721,935 | 31 |
Total assets | 2,900,401 | 100 | 2,365,696 | 100 | 2,301,272 | 100 |
Current liabilities | 171,303 | 6 | 212,828 | 9 | 183,477 | 8 |
Noncurrent liabilities | 707,869 | 24 | 262,564 | 11 | 271,759 | 12 |
Total liabilities | 879,172 | 30 | 475,392 | 20 | 455,236 | 20 |
Capital stock | 390,000 | 13 | 390,000 | 16 | 390,000 | 17 |
Capital surplus | 109,648 | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Retained Earnings | 1,521,581 | 52 | 1,500,304 | 63 | 1,456,036 | 63 |
Equity attributable to shareholders of the parent | 2,021,229 | 70 | 1,890,304 | 80 | 1,846,036 | 80 |
Total shareholders' equity | 2,021,229 | 70 | 1,890,304 | 80 | 1,846,036 | 80 |
Total liabilities and shareholders' equity | $2,900,401 | 100 | $2,365,696 | 100 | $2,301,272 | 100 |
Book value per share (in NT dollars per share) | 51.83 | 48.47 | 47.33 | |||
(In Thousands of New Taiwan Dollars,Except Earnings Per Share)
(Reviewed,Not Audited) |
Year ended Sep. 30,
2024 |
Year ended Sep. 30,
2023 |
Amount | % | Amount | % | |
Net Revenue | $667,934 | 100 | $627,407 | 100 |
Cost of revenue | 336,599 | 50 | 333,511 | 53 |
Gross profit | 331,335 | 50 | 293,896 | 47 |
Operating expenses | 89,813 | 13 | 74,129 | 12 |
Income from operations | 241,522 | 36 | 219,767 | 35 |
Non-operating income and exepens | 29,405 | 4 | 39,014 | 6 |
Income before income tax | 270,927 | 41 | 258,781 | 41 |
Income tax expense | 54,650 | 8 | 61,019 | 10 |
Net income | $216,277 | 32 | $197,762 | 32 |
Basic Earnings per share ( in NT dollars per share ) | 5.55 | 5.07 | ||
(In Thousands of New Taiwan Dollars)
(Reviewed,Not Audited) |
Year ended Sep. 30,
2024 |
Year ended Sep. 30,
2023 |
Amount | Amount | |||
Net cash generated by operating activities | $44,400 | $213,465 | ||
Net cash generated ( used ) in investing activities | (372,626) | (151,762) | ||
Net cash used in financing activities | 381,090 | (82,050) | ||
Net increase ( decrease ) in cash and cash equivalents | 52864 | (20,347) | ||
Cash and cash equivalents, at beginning of the year | 429,595 | 452,720 | ||
Cash and cash equivalents, at end of the year | $482,459 | $432,373 | ||
Drewloong Precision, Inc. and Subsidiaries | ||||||
CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS (In Thousands of New Taiwan Dollars) | Jun. 30, 2024 (Reviewed) | Dec. 31, 2023 (Audited) | Jun. 30, 2023 (Reviewed) | |||
Amount | % | Amount | % | Amount | % | |
Current assets | $1,678,524 | 68 | $1,620,350 | 68 | $1,547,972 | 68 |
Noncurrent assets | 803,536 | 32 | 745,346 | 32 | 726,831 | 32 |
Total assets | 2,482,060 | 100 | 2,365,696 | 100 | 2,274,803 | 100 |
Current liabilities | 384,273 | 15 | 212,828 | 9 | 227,227 | 10 |
Noncurrent liabilities | 246,274 | 10 | 262,564 | 11 | 276,496 | 12 |
Total liabilities | 630,547 | 25 | 475,392 | 20 | 503,723 | 22 |
Capital stock | 390,000 | 16 | 390,000 | 16 | 390,000 | 17 |
Capital surplus | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Retained Earnings | 1,461,513 | 59 | 1,500,304 | 63 | 1,381,080 | 61 |
Equity attributable to shareholders of the parent | 1,851,513 | 75 | 1,890,304 | 80 | 1,771,080 | 78 |
Total shareholders' equity | 1,851,513 | 75 | 1,890,304 | 80 | 1,771,080 | 78 |
Total liabilities and shareholders' equity | $2,482,060 | 100 | $2,365,696 | 100 | $2,274,803 | 100 |
Book value per share (in NT dollars per share) | 47.47 | 48.47 | 45.41 | |||
CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME (In Thousands of New Taiwan Dollars,Except Earnings Per Share) (Reviewed,Not Audited) | Year ended Jun. 30, 2024 | Year ended Jun. 30, 2023 | ||
Amount | % | Amount | % | |
Net Revenue | $444,575 | 100 | $410,467 | 100 |
Cost of revenue | 220,496 | 50 | 221,349 | 54 |
Gross profit | 224,079 | 50 | 189,118 | 46 |
Operating expenses | 61,631 | 14 | 44,072 | 11 |
Income from operations | 162,448 | 37 | 145,046 | 35 |
Non-operating income and exepens | 32,098 | 7 | 19,599 | 5 |
Income before income tax | 194,546 | 44 | 164,645 | 40 |
Income tax expense | 38,337 | 9 | 41,839 | 10 |
Net income | $156,209 | 35 | $122,806 | 30 |
Basic Earnings per share ( in NT dollars per share ) | 4.01 | 3.15 | ||
CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS (In Thousands of New Taiwan Dollars) (Reviewed,Not Audited) | Year ended Jun. 30, 2024 | Year ended Jun. 30, 2023 | ||
Amount | Amount | |||
Net cash generated by operating activities | $75,151 | $134,203 | ||
Net cash generated ( used ) in investing activities | 100,621 | (128,915) | ||
Net cash used in financing activities | (4,965) | (6,753) | ||
Net increase ( decrease ) in cash and cash equivalents | 170,807 | (1,465) | ||
Cash and cash equivalents, at beginning of the year | 429,595 | 452,720 | ||
Cash and cash equivalents, at end of the year | $600,402 | $451,255 | ||
Drewloong Precision, Inc. and Subsidiaries | ||||||
CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS (In Thousands of New Taiwan Dollars) | Mar. 31, 2024 (Reviewed) | Dec. 31, 2023 (Audited) | Mar. 31, 2023 (Reviewed) | |||
Amount | % | Amount | % | Amount | % | |
Current assets | $1,665,957 | 68 | $1,620,350 | 68 | $1,465,487 | 67 |
Noncurrent assets | 781,018 | 32 | 745,346 | 32 | 735,545 | 33 |
Total assets | 2,446,975 | 100 | 2,365,696 | 100 | 2,201,032 | 100 |
Current liabilities | 212,074 | 9 | 212,828 | 9 | 160,562 | 7 |
Noncurrent liabilities | 260,954 | 11 | 262,564 | 11 | 257,836 | 12 |
Total liabilities | 473,028 | 19 | 475,392 | 20 | 418,398 | 19 |
Capital stock | 390,000 | 16 | 390,000 | 16 | 358,000 | 16 |
Capital surplus | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 80,600 | 4 |
Retained Earnings | 1,583,947 | 65 | 1,500,304 | 63 | 1,344,034 | 61 |
Equity attributable to shareholders of the parent | 1,973,947 | 81 | 1,890,304 | 80 | 1,782,634 | 81 |
Total shareholders' equity | 1,973,947 | 81 | 1,890,304 | 80 | 1,782,634 | 81 |
Total liabilities and shareholders' equity | $2,446,975 | 100 | $2,365,696 | 100 | $2,201,032 | 100 |
Book value per share (in NT dollars per share) | 50.61 | 48.47 | 49.79 | |||
CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME (In Thousands of New Taiwan Dollars,Except Earnings Per Share) (Reviewed,Not Audited) | Year ended Mar. 31, 2024 | Year ended Mar. 31, 2023 | ||
Amount | % | Amount | % | |
Net Revenue | $231,689 | 100 | $191,376 | 100 |
Cost of revenue | 117,784 | 51 | 107,602 | 56 |
Gross profit | 113,905 | 49 | 83,774 | 44 |
Operating expenses | 30,054 | 13 | 11,523 | 6 |
Income from operations | 83,851 | 36 | 72,251 | 38 |
Non-operating income and exepens | 20,928 | 9 | 1,433 | 1 |
Income before income tax | 104,779 | 45 | 73,684 | 39 |
Income tax expense | 21,136 | 9 | 14,724 | 8 |
Net income | $83,643 | 36 | $58,960 | 31 |
Basic Earnings per share ( in NT dollars per share ) | 2.14 | 1.51 | ||
CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS (In Thousands of New Taiwan Dollars) (Reviewed,Not Audited) | Year ended Mar. 31, 2024 | Year ended Mar. 31, 2023 | ||
Amount | Amount | |||
Net cash generated by operating activities | $63,254 | $81,286 | ||
Net cash generated ( used ) in investing activities | 86,576 | (197,672) | ||
Net cash used in financing activities | (630) | (737) | ||
Net increase ( decrease ) in cash and cash equivalents | 149,200 | (117,123) | ||
Cash and cash equivalents, at beginning of the year | 429,595 | 452,720 | ||
Cash and cash equivalents, at end of the year | $578,795 | $335,597 | ||
Drewloong Precision, Inc. and Subsidiaries | ||||||
CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS (In Thousands of New Taiwan Dollars) | Sep. 30, 2023 (Reviewed) | Dec. 31, 2022 (Audited) | Sep. 30, 2022 (Reviewed) | |||
Amount | % | Amount | % | Amount | % | |
Current assets | $1,579,337 | 69 | $1,394,093 | 65 | $1,330,817 | 64 |
Noncurrent assets | 721,935 | 31 | 750,279 | 35 | 755,524 | 36 |
Total assets | 2,301,272 | 100 | 2,144,372 | 100 | 2,086,341 | 100 |
Current liabilities | 183,477 | 8 | 157,407 | 8 | 131,422 | 6 |
Noncurrent liabilities | 271,759 | 12 | 263,291 | 12 | 253,469 | 12 |
Total liabilities | 455,236 | 20 | 420,698 | 20 | 384,891 | 18 |
Capital stock | 390,000 | 17 | 358,000 | 17 | 358,000 | 17 |
Capital surplus | 0 | 0 | 80,600 | 4 | 80,600 | 4 |
Retained Earnings | 1,456,036 | 63 | 1,285,074 | 59 | 1,262,850 | 61 |
Equity attributable to shareholders of the parent | 1,846,036 | 80 | 1,723,674 | 80 | 1,701,450 | 82 |
Total shareholders' equity | 1,846,036 | 80 | 1,723,674 | 80 | 1,701,450 | 82 |
Total liabilities and shareholders' equity | $2,301,272 | 100 | $2,144,372 | 100 | $2,086,341 | 100 |
Book value per share (in NT dollars per share) | 47.33 | 48.15 | 47.53 | |||
CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME (In Thousands of New Taiwan Dollars,Except Earnings Per Share) (Reviewed,Not Audited) | Year ended Sep. 30, 2023 | Year ended Sep. 30, 2022 | ||
Amount | % | Amount | % | |
Net Revenue | $627,407 | 100 | $466,736 | 100 |
Cost of revenue | 333,511 | 53 | 257,911 | 55 |
Gross profit | 293,896 | 47 | 208,825 | 45 |
Operating expenses | 74,129 | 12 | 64,460 | 14 |
Income from operations | 219,767 | 35 | 144,365 | 31 |
Non-operating income and exepens | 39,014 | 6 | 53,479 | 12 |
Income before income tax | 258,781 | 41 | 197,844 | 43 |
Income tax expense | 61,019 | 9 | 36,498 | 8 |
Net income | $197,762 | 32 | $161,346 | 35 |
Basic Earnings per share ( in NT dollars per share ) | 5.07 | 4.14 | ||
CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS (In Thousands of New Taiwan Dollars) (Reviewed,Not Audited) | Year ended Sep. 30, 2023 | Year ended Sep. 30, 2022 | ||
Amount | Amount | |||
Net cash generated by operating activities | $213,465 | $118,547 | ||
Net cash generated ( used ) in investing activities | (151,762) | 238,831 | ||
Net cash used in financing activities | (82,050) | (265,007) | ||
Net increase ( decrease ) in cash and cash equivalents | (20,347) | 92,371 | ||
Cash and cash equivalents, at beginning of the year | 452,720 | 356,436 | ||
Cash and cash equivalents, at end of the year | $432,373 | $448,807 | ||
Drewloong Precision, Inc. and Subsidiaries | ||||||
CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS (In Thousands of New Taiwan Dollars) | Jun. 30, 2023 (Reviewed) | Dec. 31, 2022 (Audited) | Jun. 30, 2022 (Reviewed) | |||
Amount | % | Amount | % | Amount | % | |
Current assets | $1,547,972 | 68 | $1,394,093 | 65 | $1,409,585 | 65 |
Noncurrent assets | 726,831 | 32 | 750,279 | 35 | 761,186 | 35 |
Total assets | 2,274,803 | 100 | 2,144,372 | 100 | 2,170,771 | 100 |
Current liabilities | 227,227 | 10 | 157,407 | 8 | 286,223 | 13 |
Noncurrent liabilities | 276,496 | 12 | 263,291 | 12 | 251,275 | 12 |
Total liabilities | 503,723 | 22 | 420,698 | 20 | 537,498 | 25 |
Capital stock | 390,000 | 17 | 358,000 | 17 | 358,000 | 16 |
Capital surplus | 0 | 0 | 80,600 | 4 | 80,600 | 4 |
Retained Earnings | 1,381,080 | 61 | 1,285,074 | 59 | 1,194,673 | 55 |
Equity attributable to shareholders of the parent | 1,771,080 | 78 | 1,723,674 | 80 | 1,633,273 | 75 |
Total shareholders' equity | 1,771,080 | 78 | 1,723,674 | 80 | 1,633,273 | 75 |
Total liabilities and shareholders' equity | $2,274,803 | 100 | $2,144,372 | 100 | $2,170,771 | 100 |
Book value per share (in NT dollars per share) | 45.41 | 48.15 | 45.62 | |||
CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME (In Thousands of New Taiwan Dollars,Except Earnings Per Share) (Reviewed,Not Audited) | Year ended Jun. 30, 2023 | Year ended Jun. 30, 2022 | ||
Amount | % | Amount | % | |
Net Revenue | $410,467 | 100 | $294,563 | 100 |
Cost of revenue | 221,349 | 54 | 167,168 | 57 |
Gross profit | 189,118 | 46 | 127,395 | 43 |
Operating expenses | 44,072 | 11 | 39,908 | 13 |
Income from operations | 145,046 | 35 | 87,487 | 30 |
Non-operating income and exepens | 19,599 | 5 | 24,706 | 8 |
Income before income tax | 164,645 | 40 | 112,193 | 38 |
Income tax expense | 41,839 | 10 | 19,024 | 6 |
Net income | $122,806 | 30 | $93,169 | 32 |
Basic Earnings per share ( in NT dollars per share ) | 3.43 | 2.60 | ||
CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS (In Thousands of New Taiwan Dollars) (Reviewed,Not Audited) | Year ended Jun. 30, 2023 | Year ended Jun. 30, 2022 | ||
Amount | Amount | |||
Net cash generated by operating activities | $134,203 | $45,616 | ||
Net cash generated ( used ) in investing activities | (128,915) | 52,533 | ||
Net cash used in financing activities | (6,753) | (86,128) | ||
Net increase ( decrease ) in cash and cash equivalents | (1,465) | 12,021 | ||
Cash and cash equivalents, at beginning of the year | 452,720 | 356,436 | ||
Cash and cash equivalents, at end of the year | $451,255 | $368,457 | ||
Drewloong Precision, Inc. and Subsidiaries | ||||||
CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS (In Thousands of New Taiwan Dollars) | Mar. 31, 2023 (Reviewed) | Dec. 31, 2022 (Audited) | Mar. 31, 2022 (Reviewed) | |||
Amount | % | Amount | % | Amount | % | |
Current assets | $1,465,487 | 67 | $1,394,093 | 65 | $1,447,319 | 72 |
Noncurrent assets | 735,545 | 33 | 750,279 | 35 | 572,352 | 28 |
Total assets | 2,201,032 | 100 | 2,144,372 | 100 | 2,019,671 | 100 |
Current liabilities | 160,562 | 7 | 157,407 | 8 | 95,059 | 5 |
Noncurrent liabilities | 257,836 | 12 | 263,291 | 12 | 168,335 | 8 |
Total liabilities | 418,398 | 19 | 420,698 | 20 | 263,394 | 13 |
Capital stock | 358,000 | 16 | 358,000 | 17 | 358,000 | 18 |
Capital surplus | 80,600 | 4 | 80,600 | 4 | 252,440 | 13 |
Retained Earnings | 1,344,034 | 61 | 1,285,074 | 59 | 1,145,837 | 56 |
Equity attributable to shareholders of the parent | 1,782,634 | 81 | 1,723,674 | 80 | 1,756,277 | 87 |
Total shareholders' equity | 1,782,634 | 81 | 1,723,674 | 80 | 1,756,277 | 87 |
Total liabilities and shareholders' equity | $2,201,032 | 100 | $2,144,372 | 100 | $2,019,671 | 100 |
Book value per share (in NT dollars per share) | 49.79 | 48.15 | 49.06 | |||
CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME (In Thousands of New Taiwan Dollars,Except Earnings Per Share) (Reviewed,Not Audited) | Year ended Mar. 31, 2023 | Year ended Mar. 31, 2022 | ||
Amount | % | Amount | % | |
Net Revenue | $191,376 | 100 | $120,934 | 100 |
Cost of revenue | 107,602 | 56 | 68,561 | 57 |
Gross profit | 83,774 | 44 | 52,373 | 43 |
Operating expenses | 11,523 | 6 | 17,696 | 14 |
Income from operations | 75,251 | 38 | 34,677 | 29 |
Non-operating income and exepens | 1,433 | 1 | 11,938 | 10 |
Income before income tax | 73,684 | 39 | 46,615 | 39 |
Income tax expense | 14,724 | 8 | 9,442 | 8 |
Net income | $58,960 | 31 | $37,173 | 31 |
Basic Earnings per share ( in NT dollars per share ) | 1.65 | 1.04 | ||
CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS (In Thousands of New Taiwan Dollars) (Reviewed,Not Audited) | Year ended Mar. 31, 2023 | Year ended Mar. 31, 2022 | ||
Amount | Amount | |||
Net cash generated by operating activities | $81,286 | $12,398 | ||
Net cash generated ( used ) in investing activities | (197,672) | 24,153 | ||
Net cash used in financing activities | (737) | (894) | ||
Net increase ( decrease ) in cash and cash equivalents | (117,123) | 35,657 | ||
Cash and cash equivalents, at beginning of the year | 452,720 | 356,436 | ||
Cash and cash equivalents, at end of the year | $730,941 | $392,093 | ||
Drewloong Precision, Inc. and Subsidiaries | ||||||
CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS (In Thousands of New Taiwan Dollars) | Sep. 30, 2022 (Reviewed) | Dec. 31, 2021 (Audited) | Sep. 30, 2021 (Reviewed) | |||
Amount | % | Amount | % | Amount | % | |
Current assets | $1,330,817 | 64 | $1,414,097 | 71 | $1,375,943 | 71 |
Noncurrent assets | 755,524 | 36 | 563,765 | 29 | 567,565 | 29 |
Total assets | 2,086,341 | 100 | 1,977,862 | 100 | 1,943,508 | 100 |
Current liabilities | 131,422 | 6 | 84,864 | 4 | 74,706 | 4 |
Noncurrent liabilities | 253,469 | 12 | 173,894 | 9 | 164,818 | 8 |
Total liabilities | 384,891 | 18 | 258,758 | 13 | 239,524 | 12 |
Capital stock | 358,000 | 17 | 358,000 | 18 | 358,000 | 18 |
Capital surplus | 80,600 | 4 | 252,440 | 13 | 252,440 | 13 |
Retained Earnings | 1,262,850 | 61 | 1,108,664 | 56 | 1,093,544 | 56 |
Equity attributable to shareholders of the parent | 1,701,450 | 82 | 1,719,104 | 87 | 1,703,984 | 88 |
Total shareholders' equity | 1,701,450 | 82 | 1,719,104 | 87 | 1,703,984 | 88 |
Total liabilities and shareholders' equity | $2,086,341 | 100 | $1,977,862 | 100 | $1,943,508 | 100 |
Book value per share (in NT dollars per share) | 47.53 | 48.02 | 47.60 | |||
CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME (In Thousands of New Taiwan Dollars,Except Earnings Per Share) (Reviewed,Not Audited) | Year ended Sep. 30, 2022 | Year ended Sep. 30, 2021 | ||
Amount | % | Amount | % | |
Net Revenue | $466,736 | 100 | $298,236 | 100 |
Cost of revenue | 257,911 | 55 | 193,705 | 65 |
Gross profit | 208,825 | 45 | 104,531 | 35 |
Operating expenses | 64,460 | 14 | 58,399 | 20 |
Income from operations | 144,365 | 31 | 46,132 | 15 |
Non-operating income and exepens | 53,479 | 11 | (256) | 0 |
Income before income tax | 197,844 | 42 | 45,876 | 15 |
Income tax expense | 36,498 | 8 | 7,257 | 2 |
Net income | $161,346 | 35 | $38,619 | 13 |
Basic Earnings per share ( in NT dollars per share ) | 4.51 | 1.08 | ||
CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS (In Thousands of New Taiwan Dollars) (Reviewed,Not Audited) | Year ended Sep. 30, 2022 | Year ended Sep. 30, 2021 | ||
Amount | Amount | |||
Net cash generated by operating activities | $118,547 | $51,678 | ||
Net cash generated ( used ) in investing activities | 238,831 | (81,684) | ||
Net cash used in financing activities | (265,007) | (180,682) | ||
Net increase ( decrease ) in cash and cash equivalents | 92,371 | (210,688) | ||
Cash and cash equivalents, at beginning of the year | 356,436 | 415,421 | ||
Cash and cash equivalents, at end of the year | $448,807 | $204,733 | ||
Drewloong Precision, Inc. and Subsidiaries | ||||||
CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS (In Thousands of New Taiwan Dollars) | Jun. 30, 2022 (Reviewed) | Dec. 31, 2021 (Audited) | Jun. 30, 2021 (Reviewed) | |||
Amount | % | Amount | % | Amount | % | |
Current assets | $1,409,585 | 65 | $1,414,097 | 71 | $1,522,921 | 73 |
Noncurrent assets | 761,186 | 35 | 563,765 | 29 | 572,987 | 27 |
Total assets | 2,170,771 | 100 | 1,977,862 | 100 | 2,095,908 | 100 |
Current liabilities | 286,223 | 13 | 84,864 | 4 | 242,147 | 12 |
Noncurrent liabilities | 251,275 | 12 | 173,894 | 9 | 167,579 | 8 |
Total liabilities | 537,498 | 25 | 258,758 | 13 | 409,726 | 20 |
Capital stock | 358,000 | 16 | 358,000 | 18 | 358,000 | 17 |
Capital surplus | 80,600 | 4 | 252,440 | 13 | 252,440 | 12 |
Retained Earnings | 1,194,673 | 55 | 1,108,664 | 56 | 1,075,742 | 51 |
Equity attributable to shareholders of the parent | 1,633,273 | 75 | 1,719,104 | 87 | 1,686,182 | 80 |
Total shareholders' equity | 1,633,273 | 75 | 1,719,104 | 87 | 1,686,182 | 80 |
Total liabilities and shareholders' equity | $2,170,771 | 100 | $1,977,862 | 100 | $2,095,908 | 100 |
Book value per share (in NT dollars per share) | 45.62 | 48.02 | 47.10 | |||
CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME (In Thousands of New Taiwan Dollars,Except Earnings Per Share) (Reviewed,Not Audited) | Year ended Jun. 30, 2022 | Year ended Jun. 30, 2021 | ||
Amount | % | Amount | % | |
Net Revenue | $294,563 | 100 | $178,337 | 100 |
Cost of revenue | 167,168 | 57 | 114,705 | 64 |
Gross profit | 127,395 | 43 | 63,632 | 36 |
Operating expenses | 39,908 | 14 | 35,249 | 20 |
Income from operations | 87,487 | 30 | 28,383 | 16 |
Non-operating income and exepens | 24,706 | 8 | (3,825) | -2 |
Income before income tax | 112,193 | 38 | 24,558 | 14 |
Income tax expense | 19,024 | 6 | 3,741 | 2 |
Net income | $93,169 | 32 | $20,817 | 12 |
Basic Earnings per share ( in NT dollars per share ) | 2.60 | 0.58 | ||
CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS (In Thousands of New Taiwan Dollars) (Reviewed,Not Audited) | Year ended Jun. 30, 2022 | Year ended Jun. 30, 2021 | ||
Amount | Amount | |||
Net cash generated by operating activities | $45,616 | $10,077 | ||
Net cash generated ( used ) in investing activities | 52,533 | (32,785) | ||
Net cash used in financing activities | (86,128) | (1,400) | ||
Net increase ( decrease ) in cash and cash equivalents | 12,021 | (24,108) | ||
Cash and cash equivalents, at beginning of the year | 356,436 | 415,421 | ||
Cash and cash equivalents, at end of the year | $368,457 | $391,313 | ||
Drewloong Precision, Inc. and Subsidiaries | ||||||
CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS (In Thousands of New Taiwan Dollars) | Mar. 31, 2022 (Reviewed) | Dec. 31, 2021 (Audited) | Mar. 31, 2021 (Reviewed) | |||
Amount | % | Amount | % | Amount | % | |
Current assets | $1,447,319 | 72 | $1,414,097 | 71 | $1,520,521 | 73 |
Noncurrent assets | 572,352 | 28 | 563,765 | 29 | 576,213 | 27 |
Total assets | 2,019,671 | 100 | 1,977,862 | 100 | 2,096,734 | 100 |
Current liabilities | 95,059 | 5 | 84,864 | 4 | 74,954 | 4 |
Noncurrent liabilities | 168,335 | 8 | 173,894 | 9 | 171,799 | 8 |
Total liabilities | 263,394 | 13 | 258,758 | 13 | 246,753 | 12 |
Capital stock | 358,000 | 18 | 358,000 | 18 | 358,000 | 17 |
Capital surplus | 252,440 | 12 | 252,440 | 13 | 427,860 | 20 |
Retained Earnings | 1,145,837 | 57 | 1,108,664 | 56 | 1,064,121 | 51 |
Equity attributable to shareholders of the parent | 1,756,277 | 87 | 1,719,104 | 87 | 1,849,981 | 88 |
Total shareholders' equity | 1,756,277 | 87 | 1,719,104 | 87 | 1,849,981 | 88 |
Total liabilities and shareholders' equity | $2,019,671 | 100 | $1,977,862 | 100 | $2,096,734 | 100 |
Book value per share (in NT dollars per share) | 49.06 | 48.02 | 51.68 | |||
CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME (In Thousands of New Taiwan Dollars,Except Earnings Per Share) (Reviewed,Not Audited) | Year ended Mar. 31, 2022 | Year ended Mar. 31, 2021 | ||
Amount | % | Amount | % | |
Net Revenue | $120,934 | 100 | $73,365 | 100 |
Cost of revenue | 68,561 | 57 | 51,454 | 70 |
Gross profit | 52,373 | 43 | 21,911 | 30 |
Operating expenses | 17,696 | 15 | 16,328 | 22 |
Income from operations | 34,677 | 29 | 5,583 | 8 |
Non-operating income and exepens | 11,938 | 10 | 1,267 | 2 |
Income before income tax | 46,615 | 39 | 6,850 | 9 |
Income tax expense | 9,442 | 8 | 1,234 | 2 |
Net income | $37,173 | 31 | $5,616 | 8 |
Basic Earnings per share ( in NT dollars per share ) | 1.04 | 0.16 | ||
CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS (In Thousands of New Taiwan Dollars) (Reviewed,Not Audited) | Year ended Mar. 31, 2022 | Year ended Mar. 31, 2021 | ||
Amount | Amount | |||
Net cash generated by operating activities | $12,398 | $15,269 | ||
Net cash generated ( used ) in investing activities | 24,153 | (3,642) | ||
Net cash used in financing activities | (894) | (562) | ||
Net increase ( decrease ) in cash and cash equivalents | 35,657 | 11,065 | ||
Cash and cash equivalents, at beginning of the year | 356,436 | 415,421 | ||
Cash and cash equivalents, at end of the year | $392,093 | $426,486 | ||
Drewloong Precision, Inc. and Subsidiaries | ||||
CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS (In Thousands of New Taiwan Dollars) | Dec. 31, 2021 | Dec. 31, 2020 | ||
Amount | % | Amount | % | |
Current assets | $1,414,097 | 71 | $1,507,504 | 72 |
Noncurrent assets | 563,765 | 29 | 592,235 | 28 |
Total assets | 1,977,862 | 100 | 2,099,739 | 100 |
Current liabilities | 84,864 | 4 | 81,592 | 4 |
Noncurrent liabilities | 173,894 | 9 | 173,782 | 8 |
Total liabilities | 258,758 | 13 | 255,374 | 12 |
Capital stock | 358,000 | 18 | 358,000 | 17 |
Capital surplus | 252,440 | 13 | 427,860 | 20 |
Retained Earnings | 1,108,664 | 56 | 1,058,505 | 50 |
Equity attributable to shareholders of the parent | 1,719,104 | 87 | 1,844,365 | 88 |
Total shareholders' equity | 1,719,104 | 87 | 1,844,365 | 88 |
Total liabilities and shareholders' equity | $1,977,862 | 100 | $2,099,739 | 100 |
Book value per share (in NT dollars per share) | 48.02 | 51.52 | ||
CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME (In Thousands of New Taiwan Dollars,Except Earnings Per Share) | Year ended Dec. 31, 2021 | Year ended Dec. 31, 2020 | ||
Amount | % | Amount | % | |
Net Revenue | $403,919 | 100 | $350,169 | 100 |
Cost of revenue | 263,249 | 65 | 245,186 | 70 |
Gross profit | 140,670 | 35 | 104,983 | 30 |
Operating expenses | 80,181 | 20 | 57,502 | 16 |
Income from operations | 60,489 | 15 | 47,481 | 14 |
Non-operating income and exepens | 3,877 | 1 | (4,647) | (1) |
Income before income tax | 64,366 | 16 | 42,834 | 12 |
Income tax expense | 10,627 | 3 | 10,046 | 3 |
Net income | $53,739 | 13 | $32,788 | 9 |
Basic Earnings per share ( in NT dollars per share ) | 1.50 | 0.92 | ||
CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS (In Thousands of New Taiwan Dollars) | Year ended Dec. 31, 2021 | Year ended Dec. 31, 2020 | ||
Amount | Amount | |||
Net cash generated by operating activities | $44,320 | $114,085 | ||
Net cash generated ( used ) in investing activities | 78,530 | 125,159 | ||
Net cash used in financing activities | (181,835) | (181,185) | ||
Net increase ( decrease ) in cash and cash equivalents | (58,985) | 58,059 | ||
Cash and cash equivalents, at beginning of the year | 415,421 | 357,362 | ||
Cash and cash equivalents, at end of the year | $356,436 | $415,421 | ||
Drewloong Precision, Inc. and Subsidiaries | ||||||
CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS (In Thousands of New Taiwan Dollars) | Sep. 30, 2021 (Reviewed) | Dec. 31, 2020 (Audited) | Sep. 30, 2020 (Reviewed) | |||
Amount | % | Amount | % | Amount | % | |
Current assets | $1,375,943 | 71 | $1,507,504 | 72 | $1,531,933 | 73 |
Noncurrent assets | 567,565 | 29 | 592,235 | 28 | 575,994 | 27 |
Total assets | 1,943,508 | 100 | 2,099,739 | 100 | 2,107,927 | 100 |
Current liabilities | 74,706 | 4 | 81,592 | 4 | 85,954 | 4 |
Noncurrent liabilities | 164,818 | 8 | 173,782 | 8 | 178,969 | 8 |
Total liabilities | 239,524 | 12 | 255,374 | 12 | 264,923 | 13 |
Capital stock | 358,000 | 18 | 358,000 | 17 | 358,000 | 17 |
Capital surplus | 252,440 | 13 | 427,860 | 20 | 427,860 | 20 |
Retained Earnings | 1,093,544 | 56 | 1,058,505 | 50 | 1,057,144 | 50 |
Equity attributable to shareholders of the parent | 1,703,984 | 88 | 1,844,365 | 88 | 1,843,004 | 87 |
Total shareholders' equity | 1,703,984 | 88 | 1,844,365 | 88 | 1,843,004 | 87 |
Total liabilities and shareholders' equity | $1,943,508 | 100 | $2,099,739 | 100 | $2,107,927 | 100 |
Book value per share (in NT dollars per share) | 47.60 | 51.52 | 51.48 | |||
CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME (In Thousands of New Taiwan Dollars,Except Earnings Per Share) (Reviewed,Not Audited) | Year ended Sep. 30, 2021 | Year ended Sep. 30, 2020 | ||
Amount | % | Amount | % | |
Net Revenue | $298,236 | 100 | $290,221 | 100 |
Cost of revenue | 193,705 | 65 | 199,382 | 69 |
Gross profit | 104,531 | 35 | 90,839 | 31 |
Operating expenses | 58,399 | 20 | 46,376 | 16 |
Income from operations | 46,132 | 15 | 44,463 | 15 |
Non-operating income and exepens | (256) | 0 | (698) | 0 |
Income before income tax | 45,876 | 15 | 43,765 | 15 |
Income tax expense | 7,257 | 2 | 12,338 | 4 |
Net income | $38,619 | 13 | $31,427 | 11 |
Basic Earnings per share ( in NT dollars per share ) | 1.08 | 0.88 | ||
CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS (In Thousands of New Taiwan Dollars) (Reviewed,Not Audited) | Year ended Sep. 30, 2021 | Year ended Sep. 30, 2020 | ||
Amount | Amount | |||
Net cash generated by operating activities | $51,678 | $68,293 | ||
Net cash generated ( used ) in investing activities | (81,684) | 53,508 | ||
Net cash used in financing activities | (180,682) | (180,357) | ||
Net increase ( decrease ) in cash and cash equivalents | (210,688) | (58,556) | ||
Cash and cash equivalents, at beginning of the year | 415,421 | 357,362 | ||
Cash and cash equivalents, at end of the year | $204,733 | $298,806 | ||
Drewloong Precision, Inc. and Subsidiaries | ||||||
CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS (In Thousands of New Taiwan Dollars) | Jun. 30, 2021 (Reviewed) | Dec. 31, 2020 (Audited) | Jun. 30, 2020 (Reviewed) | |||
Amount | % | Amount | % | Amount | % | |
Current assets | $1,522,921 | 73 | $1,507,504 | 72 | $1,693,518 | 74 |
Noncurrent assets | 572,987 | 27 | 592,235 | 28 | 603,416 | 26 |
Total assets | 2,095,908 | 100 | 2,099,739 | 100 | 2,296,934 | 100 |
Current liabilities | 242,147 | 12 | 81,592 | 4 | 261,309 | 11 |
Noncurrent liabilities | 167,579 | 8 | 173,782 | 8 | 183,044 | 8 |
Total liabilities | 409,726 | 20 | 255,374 | 12 | 444,353 | 19 |
Capital stock | 358,000 | 17 | 358,000 | 17 | 358,000 | 16 |
Capital surplus | 252,440 | 12 | 427,860 | 20 | 427,860 | 19 |
Retained Earnings | 1,075,742 | 51 | 1,058,505 | 50 | 1,066,721 | 46 |
Equity attributable to shareholders of the parent | 1,686,182 | 80 | 1,844,365 | 88 | 1,852,581 | 81 |
Total shareholders' equity | 1,686,182 | 80 | 1,844,365 | 88 | 1,852,581 | 81 |
Total liabilities and shareholders' equity | $2,095,908 | 100 | $2,099,739 | 100 | $2,296,934 | 100 |
Book value per share (in NT dollars per share) | 47.10 | 51.52 | 51.75 | |||
CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME (In Thousands of New Taiwan Dollars,Except Earnings Per Share) (Reviewed,Not Audited) | Year ended Jun. 30, 2021 | Year ended Jun. 30, 2020 | ||
Amount | % | Amount | % | |
Net Revenue | $178,337 | 100 | $212,153 | 100 |
Cost of revenue | 114,705 | 64 | 128,325 | 60 |
Gross profit | 63,632 | 36 | 83,828 | 40 |
Operating expenses | 35,249 | 20 | 29,412 | 14 |
Income from operations | 28,383 | 16 | 54,416 | 26 |
Non-operating income and exepens | (3,825) | (2) | 808 | 0 |
Income before income tax | 24,558 | 14 | 55,224 | 26 |
Income tax expense | 3,741 | 2 | 14,220 | 7 |
Net income | $20,817 | 12 | $41,004 | 19 |
Basic Earnings per share ( in NT dollars per share ) | 0.58 | 1.15 | ||
CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS (In Thousands of New Taiwan Dollars) (Reviewed,Not Audited) | Year ended Jun. 30, 2021 | Year ended Jun. 30, 2020 | ||
Amount | Amount | |||
Net cash generated by operating activities | $10,077 | $67,347 | ||
Net cash generated ( used ) in investing activities | (32,785) | (20,133) | ||
Net cash used in financing activities | (1,400) | (1,399) | ||
Net increase ( decrease ) in cash and cash equivalents | (24,108) | 45,815 | ||
Cash and cash equivalents, at beginning of the year | 415,421 | 357,362 | ||
Cash and cash equivalents, at end of the year | $391,313 | $403,177 | ||
Drewloong Precision, Inc. and Subsidiaries | ||||||
CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS (In Thousands of New Taiwan Dollars) | Mar. 31, 2021 (Reviewed) | Dec. 31, 2020 (Audited) | Mar. 31, 2020 (Reviewed) | |||
Amount | % | Amount | % | Amount | % | |
Current assets | $1,520,521 | 73 | $1,507,504 | 72 | $1,714,526 | 74 |
Noncurrent assets | 576,213 | 27 | 592,235 | 28 | 613,092 | 26 |
Total assets | 2,096,734 | 100 | 2,099,739 | 100 | 2,327,618 | 100 |
Current liabilities | 74,954 | 4 | 81,592 | 4 | 122,100 | 5 |
Noncurrent liabilities | 171,799 | 8 | 173,782 | 8 | 188,124 | 8 |
Total liabilities | 246,753 | 12 | 255,374 | 12 | 310,224 | 13 |
Capital stock | 358,000 | 17 | 358,000 | 17 | 358,000 | 15 |
Capital surplus | 427,860 | 20 | 427,860 | 20 | 586,812 | 25 |
Retained Earnings | 1,064,121 | 51 | 1,058,505 | 50 | 1,072,582 | 46 |
Equity attributable to shareholders of the parent | 1,849,981 | 88 | 1,844,365 | 88 | 2,017,394 | 87 |
Total shareholders' equity | 1,849,981 | 88 | 1,844,365 | 88 | 2,017,394 | 87 |
Total liabilities and shareholders' equity | $2,096,734 | 100 | $2,099,739 | 100 | $2,327,618 | 100 |
Book value per share (in NT dollars per share) | 51.68 | 51.52 | 56.35 | |||
CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME (In Thousands of New Taiwan Dollars,Except Earnings Per Share) (Reviewed,Not Audited) | Year ended Mar. 31, 2021 | Year ended Mar. 31, 2020 | ||
Amount | % | Amount | % | |
Net Revenue | $73,365 | 100 | $118,786 | 100 |
Cost of revenue | 51,454 | 70 | 72,877 | 61 |
Gross profit | 21,911 | 30 | 45,909 | 39 |
Operating expenses | 16,328 | 22 | 17,177 | 14 |
Income from operations | 5,583 | 8 | 28,732 | 24 |
Non-operating income and exepens | 1,267 | 2 | 5,440 | 5 |
Income before income tax | 6,850 | 9 | 34,172 | 29 |
Income tax expense | 1,234 | 2 | 7,355 | 6 |
Net income | $5,616 | 8 | $26,817 | 23 |
Basic Earnings per share ( in NT dollars per share ) | 0.16 | 0.75 | ||
CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS (In Thousands of New Taiwan Dollars) (Reviewed,Not Audited) | Year ended Mar. 31, 2021 | Year ended Mar. 31, 2020 | ||
Amount | Amount | |||
Net cash generated by operating activities | $15,269 | $53,939 | ||
Net cash generated ( used ) in investing activities | (3,642) | (65,691) | ||
Net cash used in financing activities | (562) | (714) | ||
Net increase ( decrease ) in cash and cash equivalents | 11,065 | (12,466) | ||
Cash and cash equivalents, at beginning of the year | 415,421 | 357,362 | ||
Cash and cash equivalents, at end of the year | $426,486 | $344,896 | ||
Drewloong Precision, Inc. and Subsidiaries | ||||
CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS (In Thousands of New Taiwan Dollars) | Dec. 31, 2020 | Dec. 31, 2019 | ||
Amount | % | Amount | % | |
Current assets | $1,507,504 | 72 | $1,722,895 | 74 |
Noncurrent assets | 592,235 | 28 | 615,228 | 26 |
Total assets | 2,099,739 | 100 | 2,338,123 | 100 |
Current liabilities | 81,592 | 4 | 154,107 | 7 |
Noncurrent liabilities | 173,782 | 8 | 193,439 | 8 |
Total liabilities | 255,374 | 12 | 347,546 | 15 |
Capital stock | 358,000 | 17 | 358,000 | 15 |
Capital surplus | 427,860 | 20 | 586,812 | 25 |
Retained Earnings | 1,058,505 | 50 | 1,045,765 | 45 |
Equity attributable to shareholders of the parent | 1,844,365 | 88 | 1,990,577 | 85 |
Total shareholders' equity | 1,844,365 | 88 | 1,990,577 | 85 |
Total liabilities and shareholders' equity | $2,099,739 | 100 | $2,338,123 | 100 |
Book value per share ( in NT dollars per share ) | 51.52 | 55.60 | ||
CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME (In Thousands of New Taiwan Dollars,Except Earnings Per Share) | Year ended Dec. 31, 2020 | Year ended Dec. 31, 2019 | ||
Amount | % | Amount | % | |
Net Revenue | $350,169 | 100 | $814,961 | 100 |
Cost of revenue | 245,186 | 70 | 425,587 | 52 |
Gross profit | 104,983 | 30 | 389,374 | 48 |
Operating expenses | 57,502 | 16 | 103,310 | 13 |
Income from operations | 47,481 | 14 | 286,064 | 35 |
Non-operating income and exepens | (4,647) | -1 | (1,715) | 0 |
Income before income tax | 42, 834 | 12 | 284,349 | 35 |
Income tax expense | 10,046 | 3 | 62,825 | 8 |
Net income | $32,788 | 9 | $221,524 | 27 |
Basic Earnings per share ( in NT dollars per share ) | 0.92 | 6.74 | ||
CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS (In Thousands of New Taiwan Dollars) | Year ended Dec. 31, 2020 | Year ended Dec. 31, 2019 | ||
Amount | Amount | |||
Net cash generated by operating activities | $114,085 | $245,374 | ||
Net cash generated ( used ) in investing activities | 125,159 | (672,909) | ||
Net cash used in financing activities | (181,185) | 399,623 | ||
Net increase ( decrease ) in cash and cash equivalents | 58,059 | (27,912) | ||
Cash and cash equivalents, at beginning of the year | 357,362 | 385,274 | ||
Cash and cash equivalents, at end of the year | $415,421 | $357,362 | ||
Drewloong Precision, Inc. and Subsidiaries | ||||||
CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS (In Thousands of New Taiwan Dollars) | Sep. 30, 2020 (Reviewed) | Dec. 31, 2019 (Audited) | Sep. 30, 2019 (Reviewed) | |||
Amount | % | Amount | % | Amount | % | |
Current assets | $1,531,933 | 73 | $1,722,895 | 74 | $1,672,508 | 73 |
Noncurrent assets | 575,994 | 27 | 615,228 | 26 | 618,860 | 27 |
Total assets | 2,107,927 | 100 | 2,338,123 | 100 | 2,291,368 | 100 |
Current liabilities | 85,954 | 4 | 154,107 | 7 | 136,480 | 6 |
Noncurrent liabilities | 178,969 | 8 | 193,439 | 8 | 199,321 | 9 |
Total liabilities | 264,923 | 13 | 347,546 | 15 | 335,801 | 15 |
Capital stock | 358,000 | 17 | 358,000 | 15 | 358,000 | 16 |
Capital surplus | 427,860 | 20 | 586,812 | 25 | 586,812 | 26 |
Retained Earnings | 1,057,144 | 50 | 1,045,765 | 45 | 1,010,755 | 44 |
Equity attributable to shareholders of the parent | 1,843,004 | 87 | 1,990,577 | 85 | 1,955,567 | 85 |
Total shareholders' equity | 1,843,004 | 87 | 1,990,577 | 85 | 1,955,567 | 85 |
Total liabilities and shareholders' equity | $2,107,927 | 100 | $2,338,123 | 100 | $2,291,368 | 100 |
Book value per share (in NT dollars per share) | 51.48 | 55.60 | 54.62 | |||
CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME (In Thousands of New Taiwan Dollars,Except Earnings Per Share) (Reviewed,Not Audited) | Year ended Sep. 30, 2020 | Year ended Sep. 30, 2019 | ||
Amount | % | Amount | % | |
Net Revenue | $290,221 | 100 | $637,271 | 100 |
Cost of revenue | 199,382 | 69 | 325,704 | 51 |
Gross profit | 90,839 | 31 | 311,567 | 49 |
Operating expenses | 46,376 | 16 | 80,901 | 13 |
Income from operations | 44,463 | 15 | 230,666 | 36 |
Non-operating income and exepens | (698) | 0 | 9,246 | 1 |
Income before income tax | 43,765 | 15 | 239,912 | 38 |
Income tax expense | 12,338 | 4 | 53,398 | 8 |
Net income | $31,427 | 11 | $186,514 | 29 |
Basic Earnings per share ( in NT dollars per share ) | 0.88 | 5.85 | ||
CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS (In Thousands of New Taiwan Dollars) (Reviewed,Not Audited) | Year ended Sep. 30, 2020 | Year ended Sep. 30, 2019 | ||
Amount | Amount | |||
Net cash generated by operating activities | $68,293 | $88,847 | ||
Net cash generated ( used ) in investing activities | 53,508 | (167,033) | ||
Net cash used in financing activities | (180,357) | 407,895 | ||
Net increase ( decrease ) in cash and cash equivalents | (58,556) | 329,709 | ||
Cash and cash equivalents, at beginning of the year | 357,362 | 385,274 | ||
Cash and cash equivalents, at end of the year | $298,806 | $714,983 | ||
Drewloong Precision, Inc. and Subsidiaries | ||||||
CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS (In Thousands of New Taiwan Dollars) | Jun. 30, 2020 (Reviewed) | Dec. 31, 2019 (Audited) | Jun. 30, 2019 (Reviewed) | |||
Amount | % | Amount | % | Amount | % | |
Current assets | $1,693,518 | 74 | $1,722,895 | 74 | $1,105,567 | 64 |
Noncurrent assets | 603,416 | 26 | 615,228 | 26 | 628,157 | 36 |
Total assets | 2,296,934 | 100 | 2,338,123 | 100 | 1,733,724 | 100 |
Current liabilities | 261,309 | 11 | 154,107 | 7 | 270,238 | 16 |
Noncurrent liabilities | 183,044 | 8 | 193,439 | 8 | 198,045 | 11 |
Total liabilities | 444,353 | 19 | 347,546 | 15 | 468,283 | 27 |
Capital stock | 358,000 | 16 | 358,000 | 15 | 315,000 | 18 |
Capital surplus | 427,860 | 19 | 586,812 | 25 | 0 | 0 |
Retained Earnings | 1,066,721 | 46 | 1,045,765 | 45 | 950,441 | 55 |
Equity attributable to shareholders of the parent | 1,852,581 | 81 | 1,990,577 | 85 | 1,265,441 | 73 |
Total shareholders' equity | 1,852,581 | 81 | 1,990,577 | 85 | 1,265,441 | 73 |
Total liabilities and shareholders' equity | $2,296,934 | 100 | $2,338,123 | 100 | $1,733,724 | 100 |
Book value per share (in NT dollars per share) | 51.75 | 55.60 | 40.17 | |||
CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME (In Thousands of New Taiwan Dollars,Except Earnings Per Share) (Reviewed,Not Audited) | Year ended Jun. 30, 2020 | Year ended Jun. 30, 2019 | ||
Amount | % | Amount | % | |
Net Revenue | $212,153 | 100 | $424,901 | 100 |
Cost of revenue | 128,325 | 60 | 216,065 | 51 |
Gross profit | 83,828 | 40 | 208,836 | 49 |
Operating expenses | 29,412 | 14 | 53,764 | 13 |
Income from operations | 54,416 | 26 | 155,072 | 36 |
Non-operating income and exepens | 808 | 0 | 9,132 | 2 |
Income before income tax | 55,224 | 26 | 164,204 | 39 |
Income tax expense | 14,220 | 7 | 38,004 | 9 |
Net income | $41,004 | 19 | $126,200 | 30 |
Basic Earnings per share ( in NT dollars per share ) | 1.15 | 4.01 | ||
CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS (In Thousands of New Taiwan Dollars) (Reviewed,Not Audited) | Year ended Jun. 30, 2020 | Year ended Jun. 30, 2019 | ||
Amount | Amount | |||
Net cash generated by operating activities | $67,347 | $50,732 | ||
Net cash generated ( used ) in investing activities | (20,133) | (170,845) | ||
Net cash used in financing activities | (1,399) | (78,482) | ||
Net increase ( decrease ) in cash and cash equivalents | 45,815 | (198,595) | ||
Cash and cash equivalents, at beginning of the year | 357,362 | 385,274 | ||
Cash and cash equivalents, at end of the year | $403,177 | $186,679 | ||
Drewloong Precision, Inc. and Subsidiaries | ||||||
CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS (In Thousands of New Taiwan Dollars) | Mar. 31, 2020 (Reviewed) | Dec. 31, 2019 (Audited) | Mar. 31, 2019 (Reviewed) | |||
Amount | % | Amount | % | Amount | % | |
Current assets | $1,714,526 | 74 | $1,722,895 | 74 | $1,083,974 | 63 |
Noncurrent assets | 613,092 | 26 | 615,228 | 26 | 634,151 | 37 |
Total assets | 2,327,618 | 100 | 2,338,123 | 100 | 1,718,125 | 100 |
Current liabilities | 122,100 | 5 | 154,107 | 7 | 207,112 | 12 |
Noncurrent liabilities | 188,124 | 8 | 193,439 | 8 | 203,787 | 12 |
Total liabilities | 310,224 | 13 | 347,546 | 15 | 410,899 | 24 |
Capital stock | 358,000 | 15 | 358,000 | 15 | 300,000 | 17 |
Capital surplus | 586,812 | 25 | 586,812 | 25 | 8,000 | 0 |
Retained Earnings | 1,072,582 | 46 | 1,045,765 | 45 | 999,226 | 58 |
Equity attributable to shareholders of the parent | 2,017,394 | 87 | 1,990,577 | 85 | 1,307,226 | 76 |
Total shareholders' equity | 2,017,394 | 87 | 1,990,577 | 85 | 1,307,226 | 76 |
Total liabilities and shareholders' equity | $2,327,618 | 100 | $2,338,123 | 100 | $1,718,125 | 100 |
Book value per share (in NT dollars per share) | 56.35 | 55.60 | 43.57 | |||
CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME (In Thousands of New Taiwan Dollars,Except Earnings Per Share) (Reviewed,Not Audited) | Year ended Mar. 31, 2020 | Year ended Mar. 31, 2019 | ||
Amount | % | Amount | % | |
Net Revenue | $118,786 | 100 | $216,825 | 100 |
Cost of revenue | 72,877 | 61 | 112,621 | 52 |
Gross profit | 45,909 | 39 | 104,204 | 48 |
Operating expenses | 17,177 | 14 | 27,538 | 13 |
Income from operations | 28,732 | 24 | 76,666 | 35 |
Non-operating income and exepens | 5,440 | 5 | 2,279 | 1 |
Income before income tax | 34,172 | 29 | 78,945 | 36 |
Income tax expense | 7,355 | 6 | 15,960 | 7 |
Net income | $26,817 | 23 | $62,985 | 29 |
Basic Earnings per share ( in NT dollars per share ) | 0.75 | 2.00 | ||
CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS (In Thousands of New Taiwan Dollars) (Reviewed,Not Audited) | Year ended Mar. 31, 2020 | Year ended Mar. 31, 2019 | ||
Amount | Amount | |||
Net cash generated by operating activities | $53,939 | $41,802 | ||
Net cash generated ( used ) in investing activities | (65,691) | (180,214) | ||
Net cash used in financing activities | (714) | (74,022) | ||
Net increase ( decrease ) in cash and cash equivalents | (12,466) | (212,434) | ||
Cash and cash equivalents, at beginning of the year | 357,362 | 385,274 | ||
Cash and cash equivalents, at end of the year | $344,896 | $172,840 | ||
Drewloong Precision, Inc. and Subsidiaries | ||||
CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS (In Thousands of New Taiwan Dollars) | Dec. 31, 2019 | Dec. 31, 2018 | ||
Amount | % | Amount | % | |
Current assets | $1,722,895 | 74 | $1,119,448 | 69 |
Noncurrent assets | 615,228 | 26 | 504,325 | 31 |
Total assets | 2,338,123 | 100 | 1,623,773 | 100 |
Current liabilities | 154,107 | 7 | 214,346 | 13 |
Noncurrent liabilities | 193,439 | 8 | 165,186 | 10 |
Total liabilities | 347,546 | 15 | 379,532 | 23 |
Capital stock | 358,000 | 15 | 300,000 | 18 |
Capital surplus | 586,812 | 25 | 8,000 | 0 |
Retained Earnings | 1,045,765 | 45 | 936,241 | 58 |
Equity attributable to shareholders of the parent | 1,990,577 | 85 | 1,244,241 | 77 |
Total shareholders' equity | 1,990,577 | 85 | 1,244,241 | 77 |
Total liabilities and shareholders' equity | $2,338,123 | 100 | $1,623,773 | 100 |
Book value per share ( in NT dollars per share ) | 55.60 | 41.47 | ||
CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME (In Thousands of New Taiwan Dollars,Except Earnings Per Share) | Year ended Dec. 31, 2019 | Year ended Dec. 31, 2018 | ||
Amount | % | Amount | % | |
Net Revenue | $814,961 | 100 | $839,073 | 100 |
Cost of revenue | 425,587 | 52 | 440,385 | 52 |
Gross profit | 389,374 | 48 | 398,688 | 48 |
Operating expenses | 103,310 | 13 | 103,263 | 12 |
Income from operations | 286,064 | 35 | 295,425 | 35 |
Non-operating income and exepens | (1,715) | 0 | 22,224 | 3 |
Income before income tax | 284, 349 | 35 | 317,649 | 38 |
Income tax expense | 62,825 | 8 | 77,458 | 9 |
Net income | $221,524 | 27 | $240,191 | 29 |
Basic Earnings per share ( in NT dollars per share ) | 6.74 | 7.63 | ||
CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS (In Thousands of New Taiwan Dollars) | Year ended Dec. 31, 2019 | Year ended Dec. 31, 2018 | ||
Amount | Amount | |||
Net cash generated by operating activities | $245,374 | $178,085 | ||
Net cash generated ( used ) in investing activities | (672,909) | 6,546 | ||
Net cash used in financing activities | 399,623 | (29,020) | ||
Net increase ( decrease ) in cash and cash equivalents | (27,912) | 155,611 | ||
Cash and cash equivalents, at beginning of the year | 385,274 | 229,663 | ||
Cash and cash equivalents, at end of the year | $357,362 | $385,274 | ||
Drewloong Precision, Inc. and Subsidiaries | ||||||
CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS (In Thousands of New Taiwan Dollars) | Sep. 30, 2019 (Reviewed) | Dec. 31, 2018 (Audited) | Sep. 30, 2018 (Reviewed) | |||
Amount | % | Amount | % | Amount | % | |
Current assets | $1,672,508 | 73 | $1,119,448 | 69 | $997,546 | 66 |
Noncurrent assets | 618,860 | 27 | 504,325 | 31 | 506,444 | 34 |
Total assets | 2,291,368 | 100 | 1,623,773 | 100 | 1,503,990 | 100 |
Current liabilities | 136,480 | 6 | 214,346 | 13 | 160,076 | 11 |
Noncurrent liabilities | 199,321 | 9 | 165,186 | 10 | 168,332 | 11 |
Total liabilities | 335,801 | 15 | 379,532 | 23 | 328,408 | 22 |
Capital stock | 358,000 | 16 | 300,000 | 18 | 300,000 | 20 |
Capital surplus | 586,812 | 26 | 8,000 | 0 | 8,000 | 1 |
Retained Earnings | 1,010,755 | 44 | 936,241 | 58 | 867,582 | 58 |
Equity attributable to shareholders of the parent | 1,955,567 | 85 | 1,244,241 | 77 | 1,175,582 | 78 |
Total shareholders' equity | 1,955,567 | 85 | 1,244,241 | 77 | 1,175,582 | 78 |
Total liabilities and shareholders' equity | $2,291,368 | 100 | $1,623,773 | 100 | $1,503,990 | 100 |
Book value per share (in NT dollars per share) | 54.62 | 41.47 | 39.19 | |||
CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME (In Thousands of New Taiwan Dollars,Except Earnings Per Share) (Reviewed,Not Audited) | Year ended Sep. 30, 2019 | Year ended Sep. 30, 2018 | ||
Amount | % | Amount | % | |
Net Revenue | $637,271 | 100 | $602,331 | 100 |
Cost of revenue | 325,704 | 51 | 317,237 | 53 |
Gross profit | 311,567 | 49 | 285,094 | 47 |
Operating expenses | 80,901 | 13 | 70,591 | 12 |
Income from operations | 230,666 | 36 | 214,503 | 36 |
Non-operating income and exepens | 9,246 | 1 | 15,879 | 3 |
Income before income tax | 239,912 | 38 | 230,382 | 38 |
Income tax expense | 53,398 | 8 | 58,850 | 10 |
Net income | $186,514 | 29 | $171,532 | 28 |
Basic Earnings per share ( in NT dollars per share ) | 5.85 | 5.45 | ||
CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS (In Thousands of New Taiwan Dollars) (Reviewed,Not Audited) | Year ended Sep. 30, 2019 | Year ended Sep. 30, 2018 |
Amount | Amount | |
Net cash generated by operating activities | $88,847 | $98,023 |
Net cash generated ( used ) in investing activities | (167,033) | 121,190 |
Net cash used in financing activities | 407,895 | (25,609) |
Net increase ( decrease ) in cash and cash equivalents | 329,709 | 193,604 |
Cash and cash equivalents, at beginning of the year | 385,274 | 229,663 |
Cash and cash equivalents, at end of the year | $714,983 | $423,267 |
Drewloong Precision, Inc. and Subsidiaries | ||||||
CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS (In Thousands of New Taiwan Dollars) | Jun. 30, 2019 (Reviewed) | Dec. 31, 2018 (Audited) | Jun. 30, 2018 (Reviewed) | |||
Amount | % | Amount | % | Amount | % | |
Current assets | $1,105,567 | 64 | $1,119,448 | 69 | $916,390 | 64 |
Noncurrent assets | 628,157 | 36 | 504,325 | 31 | 517,168 | 36 |
Total assets | 1,733,724 | 100 | 1,623,773 | 100 | 1,433,558 | 100 |
Current liabilities | 270,238 | 16 | 214,346 | 13 | 147,205 | 10 |
Noncurrent liabilities | 198,045 | 11 | 165,186 | 10 | 176,757 | 12 |
Total liabilities | 468,283 | 27 | 379,532 | 23 | 323,962 | 23 |
Capital stock | 315,000 | 18 | 300,000 | 18 | 300,000 | 21 |
Capital surplus | 0 | 8,000 | 0 | 8,000 | 1 | |
Retained Earnings | 950,441 | 55 | 936,241 | 58 | 801,596 | 56 |
Equity attributable to shareholders of the parent | 1,265,441 | 73 | 1,244,241 | 77 | 1,109,596 | 77 |
Total shareholders' equity | 1,265,441 | 73 | 1,244,241 | 77 | 1,109,596 | 77 |
Total liabilities and shareholders' equity | $1,733,724 | 100 | $1,623,773 | 100 | $1,433,558 | 100 |
Book value per share (in NT dollars per share) | 40.17 | 41.47 | 36.99 | |||
CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME (In Thousands of New Taiwan Dollars,Except Earnings Per Share) (Reviewed,Not Audited) | Year ended Jun. 30, 2019 | Year ended Jun. 30, 2018 | ||
Amount | % | Amount | % | |
Net Revenue | $424,901 | 100 | $358,553 | 100 |
Cost of revenue | 216,065 | 51 | 186,923 | 52 |
Gross profit | 208,836 | 49 | 171,630 | 48 |
Operating expenses | 53,764 | 13 | 40,430 | 11 |
Income from operations | 155,072 | 36 | 131,200 | 37 |
Non-operating income and exepens | 9,132 | 2 | 15,286 | 4 |
Income before income tax | 164,204 | 39 | 146,486 | 41 |
Income tax expense | 38,004 | 9 | 40,940 | 11 |
Net income | $126,200 | 30 | $105,546 | 29 |
Basic Earnings per share ( in NT dollars per share ) | 4.21 | 3.52 | ||
CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS (In Thousands of New Taiwan Dollars) (Reviewed,Not Audited) | Year ended Jun. 30, 2019 | Year ended Jun. 30, 2018 |
Amount | Amount | |
Net cash generated by operating activities | $50,732 | $58,715 |
Net cash generated ( used ) in investing activities | (170,845) | 95,031 |
Net cash used in financing activities | (78,482) | (22,200) |
Net increase ( decrease ) in cash and cash equivalents | (198,595) | 131,546 |
Cash and cash equivalents, at beginning of the year | 385,274 | 229,663 |
Cash and cash equivalents, at end of the year | $186,679 | $361,209 |
Drewloong Precision, Inc. and Subsidiaries | ||||||
CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS (In Thousands of New Taiwan Dollars) | Mar. 31, 2019 (Reviewed) | Dec. 31, 2018 (Audited) | Mar. 31, 2018 (Reviewed) | |||
Amount | % | Amount | % | Amount | % | |
Current assets | $1,083,974 | 63 | $1,119,448 | 69 | $851,095 | 62 |
Noncurrent assets | 634,151 | 37 | 504,325 | 31 | 524,324 | 38 |
Total assets | 1,718,125 | 100 | 1,623,773 | 100 | 1,375,419 | 100 |
Current liabilities | 207,112 | 12 | 214,346 | 13 | 136,380 | 10 |
Noncurrent liabilities | 203,787 | 12 | 165,186 | 10 | 184,397 | 13 |
Total liabilities | 410,899 | 24 | 379,532 | 23 | 320,777 | 23 |
Capital stock | 300,000 | 17 | 300,000 | 18 | 300,000 | 22 |
Capital surplus | 8000 | 0 | 8,000 | 0 | 8,000 | 1 |
Retained Earnings | 999,226 | 58 | 936,241 | 58 | 746,642 | 54 |
Equity attributable to shareholders of the parent | 1,307,226 | 76 | 1,244,241 | 77 | 1,054,642 | 77 |
Total shareholders' equity | 1,307,226 | 76 | 1,244,241 | 77 | 1,054,642 | 77 |
Total liabilities and shareholders' equity | $1,718,125 | 100 | $1,623,773 | 100 | $1,375,419 | 100 |
Book value per share (in NT dollars per share) | 43.57 | 41.47 | 35.15 | |||
CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME (In Thousands of New Taiwan Dollars,Except Earnings Per Share) (Reviewed,Not Audited) | Year ended Mar. 31, 2019 | Year ended Mar. 31, 2018 | ||
Amount | % | Amount | % | |
Net Revenue | $216,825 | 100 | $163,878 | 100 |
Cost of revenue | 112,621 | 52 | 90,674 | 55 |
Gross profit | 104,204 | 48 | 73,204 | 45 |
Operating expenses | 27,538 | 13 | 19,044 | 12 |
Income from operations | 76,666 | 35 | 54,160 | 33 |
Non-operating income and exepens | 2,279 | 1 | (9,015) | (6) |
Income before income tax | 78,945 | 36 | 45,145 | 28 |
Income tax expense | 15,960 | 7 | 9,553 | 6 |
Net income | $62,985 | 29 | $35,592 | 22 |
Basic Earnings per share ( in NT dollars per share ) | 2.10 | 1.19 | ||
CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS (In Thousands of New Taiwan Dollars) (Reviewed,Not Audited) | Year ended Mar. 31, 2019 | Year ended Mar. 31, 2018 | ||
Amount | Amount | |||
Net cash generated by operating activities | $41,802 | $1,410 | ||
Net cash generated ( used ) in investing activities | (180,214) | 39,047 | ||
Net cash used in financing activities | (74,022) | (3,599) | ||
Net increase ( decrease ) in cash and cash equivalents | (212,434) | 36,858 | ||
Cash and cash equivalents, at beginning of the year | 385,274 | 229,663 | ||
Cash and cash equivalents, at end of the year | $172,840 | $266,521 | ||
Drewloong Precision, Inc. and Subsidiaries | ||||
CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS (In Thousands of New Taiwan Dollars) | Dec. 31, 2018 | Dec. 31, 2017 | ||
Amount | % | Amount | % | |
Current assets | $1,119,448 | 69 | $875,327 | 65 |
Noncurrent assets | 504,325 | 31 | 468,014 | 35 |
Total assets | 1,623,773 | 100 | 1,343,341 | 100 |
Current liabilities | 214,346 | 13 | 139,065 | 10 |
Noncurrent liabilities | 165,186 | 10 | 190,257 | 14 |
Total liabilities | 379,532 | 23 | 329,322 | 25 |
Capital stock | 300,000 | 18 | 300,000 | 22 |
Capital surplus | 8,000 | 0 | 8,000 | 1 |
Retained Earnings | 936,241 | 58 | 706,019 | 53 |
Equity attributable to shareholders of the parent | 1,244,241 | 77 | 1,014,019 | 75 |
Total shareholders' equity | 1,244,241 | 77 | 1,014,019 | 75 |
Total liabilities and shareholders' equity | $1,623,773 | 100 | $1,343,341 | 100 |
Book value per share ( in NT dollars per share ) | 41.47 | 39.00 | ||
CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME (In Thousands of New Taiwan Dollars,Except Earnings Per Share) | Year ended Dec. 31, 2018 | Year ended Dec. 31, 2017 | ||
Amount | % | Amount | % | |
Net Revenue | $839,073 | 100 | $564,076 | 100 |
Cost of revenue | 440,385 | 52 | 292,221 | 52 |
Gross profit | 398,688 | 48 | 271,855 | 48 |
Operating expenses | 103,263 | 12 | 68,087 | 12 |
Income from operations | 295,425 | 35 | 203,768 | 36 |
Non-operating income and exepens | 22,224 | 3 | (8,300) | (1) |
Income before income tax | 317,649 | 38 | 195,468 | 35 |
Income tax expense | 77,458 | 9 | 45,466 | 8 |
Net income | $240,191 | 29 | $150,002 | 27 |
Basic Earnings per share ( in NT dollars per share ) | 8.01 | 5.00 | ||
CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS (In Thousands of New Taiwan Dollars) | Year ended Dec. 31, 2018 | Year ended Dec. 31, 2017 | ||
Amount | Amount | |||
Net cash generated by operating activities | $178,085 | $123,534 | ||
Net cash generated ( used ) in investing activities | 6,546 | (89,044) | ||
Net cash used in financing activities | (29,020) | (27,296) | ||
Net increase ( decrease ) in cash and cash equivalents | 155,611 | 7,194 | ||
Cash and cash equivalents, at beginning of the year | 229,663 | 222,469 | ||
Cash and cash equivalents, at end of the year | $385,274 | $229,663 | ||
Drewloong Precision, Inc. and Subsidiaries | ||||||
CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS (In Thousands of New Taiwan Dollars) | Jun. 30, 2018 (Reviewed) | Dec. 31, 2017 (Audited) | Jun. 30, 2017 (Reviewed) | |||
Amount | % | Amount | % | Amount | % | |
Current assets | $916,390 | 64 | $875,327 | 65 | $755,895 | 63 |
Noncurrent assets | 517,168 | 36 | 468,014 | 35 | 449,375 | 37 |
Total assets | 1,433,558 | 100 | 1,343,341 | 100 | 1,205,270 | 100 |
Current liabilities | 147,205 | 10 | 139,065 | 10 | 106,964 | 9 |
Noncurrent liabilities | 176,757 | 12 | 190,257 | 14 | 170,640 | 14 |
Total liabilities | 323,962 | 23 | 329,322 | 25 | 277,604 | 23 |
Capital stock | 300,000 | 21 | 300,000 | 22 | 260,000 | 22 |
Capital surplus | 8,000 | 1 | 8,000 | 1 | 48,000 | 4 |
Retained Earnings | 801,596 | 56 | 706,019 | 53 | 619,666 | 51 |
Equity attributable to shareholders of the parent | 1,109,596 | 77 | 1,014,019 | 75 | 927,666 | 77 |
Total shareholders' equity | 1,109,596 | 77 | 1,014,019 | 75 | 927,666 | 77 |
Total liabilities and shareholders' equity | $1,433,558 | 100 | $1,343,341 | 100 | $1,205,270 | 100 |
Book value per share (in NT dollars per share) | 36.99 | 39 | 35.68 | |||
CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME (In Thousands of New Taiwan Dollars,Except Earnings Per Share) (Reviewed,Not Audited) | Year ended Jun. 30, 2018 | Year ended Jun. 30, 2017 | ||
Amount | % | Amount | % | |
Net Revenue | $358,553 | 100 | $282,230 | 100 |
Cost of revenue | 186,923 | 52 | 149,076 | 53 |
Gross profit | 171,630 | 48 | 133,154 | 47 |
Operating expenses | 40,430 | 11 | 32,351 | 11 |
Income from operations | 131,200 | 37 | 100,803 | 36 |
Non-operating income and exepens | 15,286 | 4 | (9,452) | (3) |
Income before income tax | 146,486 | 41 | 91,351 | 32 |
Income tax expense | 40,940 | 11 | 27,702 | 10 |
Net income | $105,546 | 29 | $63,649 | 23 |
Basic Earnings per share ( in NT dollars per share ) | 3.52 | 2.12 | ||
CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS (In Thousands of New Taiwan Dollars) (Reviewed,Not Audited) | Year ended Jun. 30, 2018 | Year ended Jun. 30, 2017 |
Amount | Amount | |
Net cash generated by operating activities | $58,715 | $18,385 |
Net cash generated ( used ) in investing activities | 95,031 | (15,558) |
Net cash used in financing activities | (22,200) | (20,708) |
Net increase ( decrease ) in cash and cash equivalents | 131,546 | (17,881) |
Cash and cash equivalents, at beginning of the year | 229,663 | 222,469 |
Cash and cash equivalents, at end of the year | $361,209 |